Media: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
Bus: 32-bit PCI
Operating distance (10BASE-T): Category 3/4/5 UTP to 100 m (328 ft)
Operating distance (100BASE-T): Category 5 UTP to 100 m (328 ft)
Standards compliance: PCI 2.1, PC99, DMI 2.0, WfM 2.0, ACPI 1.0, PXE
Drivers: NetWare 3.x/4.x/5 Server, Requestor for OS/2, ODI Client, Packet Driver; VINES; Windows Me/2000/9x/NT
Managed by: Any SNMP management, including 3Com Transcend® Network Supervisor, 3Com DynamicAccess® boot services, and 3Com DynamicAccess managed PC boot agent
System Requirements
PCI 2.1 compliant PC
Diskusia 0
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