The AHA-2940UW Ultra Wide adapter is a PCI to Ultra Wide SCSI adapter that provides connections for up to 15 wide UltraSCSI devices and transfers data at up to 40 MBytes/sec.
Number of devices
Up to 15 devices total
Bus System Interface Type
PCI local bus
External Connectors
68-pin High-Density
Data Transfer Rate
40 MByte/sec
Package Contents
AHA-2940 UW PCI-to-Wide UltraSCSI host adapter board Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set software drivers for Windows NT, Windows 95, OS/2 2.x and 3.x, Netware 3.x and 4.x, SCO Unix 3.2.x and Unixware 1.x and 2.x Adaptec EZ-SCSI software for Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows for Workgroups, and DOS Includes applications such as: SCSI Tape Backup⢠(Backup Basics), QuickScan, CD Player, Photo CD Viewer (Magic Lanternâ¢),Advanced Power Management, SCSI Interrogatorâ¢, SCSI Disk Partitioner, SCSITutorâ¢, SCSIBench Provides device support for hard disks, removable disks, MO, CD-ROM,CD-Recordable, Photo CD and tape drives and scanners One 3-position, 68-pin UltraSCSI internal ribbon cable One 3-position, 50-pin UltraSCSI internal ribbon cableComplete user documentation
Supported Protocols
Advanced SCSI Features
multi-threaded I/O,
tagged queuing,
synchronous and asynchronous data transfer
Electrical Drivers
Single-ended, active, programmable via SCSISelect configuration utility
Board Dimensions
6.87" x 3.87" (17.0 cm x 9.5 cm)
Operating Characteristics
32 F to 131 F (0 C to 55 C)10% to 90% Relative Humidity, non condensing
Storage Characteristics
-67 F to 185 F (-55 C to 85 C)
MTBF (mean time between failures, Bellcore)
494,641 hours
Diskusia 0
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